Safe Sitter Training

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Safe Sitter Class Overview

Prairie Ridge Health is proud to be a Safe Sitter® training center.

Safe Sitter® prepares students in grades 6-8 to be safe when they’re home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. Students learn life-saving skills such as how to rescue someone who’s choking and helpful information like what to do when there’s severe weather. The lessons are filled with fun activities and role-playing exercises. Students even get to use CPR mannequins to practice CPR and choking rescue.

Cost: $50, advance non-refundable payment or $100.00 the day of class. Advance registration is the preferred method of enrollment.

Upcoming Dates

Our program is a one-day course that runs from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Safe Sitter Course Content

Safe Sitter Program Options

Safe Sitter Program History

Safe Sitter® was founded in 1980 by Indianapolis pediatrician, Dr. Patricia A. Keener, after a nurse's 18-month-old choked to death while under the care of an adult sitter. In reflecting on her colleague's loss, Dr. Keener recognized the vulnerability of young children when cared for by unprepared child care providers Dr. Keener taught the first Safe Sitter® class in an Indianapolis middle school. Since that first class of 18 students, over 350,000 young people have completed the course. Safe Sitter® is currently taught in all 50 states and England.

Safe Sitter® is a high-quality program that gives young adolescents the skills to be safe, nurturing babysitters. Parents/guardians are always impressed with the results. Instructors have fun teaching Safe Sitter®.

Safe Sitter® has attracted the attention of the media over the years. Dr. Keener has made numerous appearances on shows such as The Today Show, Good Morning America,  CBS This Morning, and the John Walsh Show. Safe Sitter® articles are routinely featured in an array of periodicals including The New York Times, Newsweek, Good Housekeeping, and Sesame Street Magazine Parent's Guide, as well as various medical journals. Safe Sitter® has been recognized for excellence by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

For questions or additional information about our next class, please email our Education Manager Chris DeLapp by email at or by calling the number below.

call (920) 623-1276

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